Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where Do We Go From Here?

Confession time: I'm a hopeless romantic. I think about love all the time, whether it's love of something new, an old friend or a new piece of clothing. I fall in and out of love daily, sometimes minute by minute. And I guess that's what has brought me here to the blogging universe. A narcissist's dream come true.

The funny thing is that while I may love like there's no tomorrow, all that love is usually directed outward, towards you. And it's very rare that my love is directed back at me. I've yet to master love of self. But has anyone figured out how to really do that? Seems like most people I talk to battle with issues of self esteem and struggle to find their own unique self-worth. And yet I see how wonderful you are, how beautiful and valuable you are. Each of you possess a quality that makes me love you dearly. You can be bat shit crazy and I'll still love you.

So I guess that's why I'm blogging, to get out those feelings of doubt, those moments of accomplishment, to rant, to rave, to be a shameless exhibitionist.

This blog will always share way too much information. If you don't want to see or witness the nitty gritty of my psyche, log off and never look back. If you're hoping to see someone open up and expose those parts of themselves that most keep hidden, then welcome - take a seat, get comfy and let's get to it. I'm hoping you'll find something you can relate to because at the end of the day, for me, this life is about connection. I want to find strands of comfort, familiarity and humanity with each one of you.

I've seen a lot in my 33 years. I've loved till I was crazy, fought till I was tired and my past is as vast and varied as someone twice my age. With each chapter I've collected a few people, a couple bruises and some great stories.

I'm in the process of losing weight, redefining who I am and trying to improve on the parts of me that I know make up my core . I'm proud of how far I've come but I know I have a long way to go. I'm a food addict, a drama queen ... I laugh really loudly and talk even louder. I am flawed, I am kind, sensitive and strong, your basic thirty-something hot mess.

Let's hang out.

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